Cancer Research & Publications
The tools we use in the fight against cancer are all the product of focused, dedicated research. In cooperation with our academic partners, Horizons is an essential community resource for research studies that benefit our communities. Since our founding, we have been actively involved in research studies focusing on areas including:
Prevention of cancer
Reducing cancer risks
Promoting cancer screenings
Health navigation
Tobacco control
Informational needs of primary care providers
We continue collaborating with researchers to build upon past work and open new avenues of inquiry into the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer and cancer’s impact on our patients and communities.
Knowledge is Power. Research is the First Step in Our Quest to Stop Cancer –
Help Us Fund Our Research Efforts with Your Tax-Deductible Donation.
Partnering With Leading Cancer Researchers
Horizons has assisted researchers in every health-connected field. One prime example is our service as the lead community partner for the Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC), based at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health.
The EPRC shares Horizons’ goal of reducing the prevalence of cancer in Georgia’s population by developing innovative tools and practices to improve patient and provider education, outreach programs, and high-impact practices to drive better cancer awareness and care in our communities.
Our collaborative studies with the EPRC have included research into how social and physical environments affect obesity, physical activity, nutrition, and tobacco use. Under the direction of EPRC’s Michelle Kegler, DrPH, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, our research led to the development of a program – Healthy Homes/Healthy Families – that has proven highly successful in preventing weight gain.

Horizons’ partnerships have led to a large body of academic publications, contributing considerably to the overall body of research on healthcare topics.